DIVE Online - QAI Stroke Center Accreditation Program

"Unlocking Excellence in Stroke Care: Empowering Stroke Centres with QAI Accreditation through DIVE Online Program!"

Scroll to see Course Description.  Applicable Fee given in Section 'Course Fee' in course description.

Applicable fee for participants is in accordance with the income based country classification of World Bank. (Check here for classification https://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/new-world-bank-country-classifications-income-level-2022-2023).

Language: English

Why this course?


DIVE - Documentation, Implementation Verification & Evaluation

Welcome to this unique offering!

DIVE Online is a virtual course for learning and understanding Quality & Accreditation Standards for various accreditation programs offered by QAI - The Quality & Accreditation Institute. The course covers understanding and implementing QAI Accreditation Standards for Primary & Advanced Stroke Centers in standalone or hospital-based Stroke Centers.

The course content is equivalent to three (03) full days of learning however DIVE Online can be completed over a period of 14 days from the date of registration.

The course is available in 'asynchronous' manner to learners i.e. one can register at any time and each learner gets 14 days to complete.

The course is for those intending to implement quality standards in their stroke centers and / or preparing for accreditation under the QAI Stroke Standards.


This program offers unique benefits of learning at your own pace, exercises and quizzes to reinforce and validate learnings and an option to become QAI Stroke Program Assessors.

Course Content

The course covers -

  • Introduction to Accreditation Standards for Stroke Centers.
  • Accreditation Standards for Stroke - All 10 chapters covered with discussions, examples, exercises and quizzes.
  • Implementation & Internal Assessment Guidance.
  • Quality System documentation including SOPs, Manuals, Committee Guidance, Clinical Audit Tools and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Accreditation Process guidance including getting the conduct of assessment and closing observations and NCs.

The course includes quizzes and exercises for each chapter and a Final DIVE Test.

Downloads & Course Materials

Extremely helpful downloads are available -

  • QAI Accreditation Standards for Stroke Centers (PDF only)
  • Course materials - Presentations and Resource Materials
  • Documentation - Standard Template for SOPs and Manuals
  • Guidance for establishing committees.
  • Clinical Audit Template

In addition a print copy of QAI Accreditation Standards for Primary & Advanced Stroke Centers will also be sent by mail to each learner.

Asking Question / Queries

Learners can ask questions and get their queries resolved during the program via a discussion tab provided on the viewing pane.

Course Access

The course can be accessed from Laptops and Smartphones (Android and IOS). Multiple devices (maximum 4) can be used by the learners without losing continuity of learning.

Course Completion

Final DIVE Test is mandatory test at the end of the course. THIS IS AN OPEN BOOK TEST.

Based upon the marks scored in Final DIVE Test the course culminates in four possible ways for each learner –

  1. Score < 50% - Completion Certificate
  2. Score > 50% - 70% Successful Completion Certificate
  3. Score > 70% - Successful Completion Certificate & Eligible to be considered for Assessor Training subject to meeting Assessor Eligibility Criteria

Course Fee

The course fee is categorized as per World Bank classification of Countries based on income levels. The classification can be accessed here https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups

Please select the fee option as per your country of residence.

For any queries please contact at learn@aeonmed.in.

Learning Lead Phone +918826943697 (WhatsApp also)

Course Curriculum

0. Program Introduction & DIVE Online Orientation
Program Schedule (1 pages) Preview
Download Program Schedule Preview
0.1 Introduction to QAI by Dr BK Rana, CEO, QAI (8:00)
0.2 QAI - Stroke - DIVE Online Introduction (10:00) Preview
0.2 QAI - Stroke - DIVE Online Introduction
0.3 QAI - QAI Stroke Standards, Terms _ Definations - Part 1 (13:00)
0.3 QAI - QAI Stroke Standards, Terms _ Definations - Part 2 (15:00)
0.3 QAI - Stroke Centre Standards, Terms & Definitions
8. QAI Accreditation Standards for Stroke_Final_Edition 1_December 2022
KPIs Stroke
Committee Convening Order Format
1. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 1: Governance & Leadership
1. QAI - GAL - Full
1. QAI - Stroke - GAL
1. GAL Quiz
2. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 2: Human Resource Management
2. QAI - HRM - Part 1 (16:00)
2. QAI - HRM - Part 2 (12:00)
2. QAI - Stroke - HRM
2. HRM Quiz
3. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 3: Facility & Risk Management
3. QAI - FRM - Part 1 (13:00)
3. QAI - FRM - Part 2 (10:00)
3. QAI - Stroke - FRM
3. FRM Quiz
4. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 4: Information Management System
4. QAI - IMS - Full (18:00)
4. QAI - Stroke - IMS
4. IMS Quiz
5. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 5: Continual Quality Improvement
5. QAI - CQI - Part 1 (10:00)
5. QAI - CQI - Part 2 (11:00)
5. QAI - Stroke - CQI
5. CQI Quiz
6. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 6: Patient Assessment & Care
6. QAI - PAC - Part 1 (5:00)
6. QAI - PAC - Part 2 (20:00)
6. QAI - PAC - Part 3 (18:00)
6. QAI - PAC - Part 4 (16:00)
6. QAI - Stroke - PAC
6. PAC Quiz
7. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 7: Patient Rights & Education
7. QAI - PRE - Full (19:00)
7. QAI - Stroke - PRE
7. PRE Quiz
8. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 8: Medication Management & Safety
8. QAI - MMS - Full (12:00)
8. QAI - Stroke - MMS
8. MMS Quiz
9. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 9: Surgical Care & Safety
9. QAI - SCS - Full (11:00)
9. QAI - Stroke - SCS
9. SCS Quiz
10. QAI Stroke Standards Chapter - 10: Hygiene & Infection Control
10. QAI - HIC - Part 1 (18:00)
10. QAI - HIC - Part 2 (19:00)
10. QAI - Stroke - HIC
10. HIC Quiz
11. Implementation & Self Assessment
11.1 Implementation _ Documentation Guidance - Part 1 (9:00)
11.1 Implementation _ Documentation Guidance - Part 2 (15:00)
11.1 Implementation & Documentation Guidance
11.2 Internal Assessment - Full (7:00)
11.2 Internal Assessment
12. Accreditation Process
12. Accreditation Process (11:00)
12. Accreditation Process
13. DIVE Final Test
13. DIVE Final Test

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.



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