MasterCLASS - End of Life Care

Navigating compassionately through the final journey: Master the art of End of Life Care.

Language: English

Validity Period: 14 days

₹2500 including GST

Why this course?


The EOLC MasterClass

As Healthcare Professionals, we are trained to help our patients live as long and as healthy as possible! Yet for many patients, death is a question of when and not if! And it confronts every doctor and nurse. The first times some cry, some shut down. Many are just too guarded.

End of life care presents several challenges and dilemmas to healthcare professionals, patients & families. For the professionals the matters are further compounded by the conspicuous absence of the subject in formal medical or nursing curriculum.

This MasterClass addresses this gap and is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills in providing End-of-Life Care


EOLC MasterClass Benefits

Master the skills required to Top in providing End of Life Care in hospitals

Understand and learn to apply

End-of-Life Care issues & perspectives, Clinical Aspects, Legal and Ethical Compliances, Foregoing Life Support / DNR decisions

Accreditation issues of EOLC Services and Pain Management

Nursing aspects of care, Organ Donation & Recovery

Course Curriculum

1.1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.1 Introduction 3
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Death Grief & Culture 1
1.2 Death Grief & Culture 2
1.2 Death Grief & Culture 3
1.3 Care Planning 1
1.3 Care Planning 2
1.3 Care Planning 3
1. Definition_of_terms_used in EOLC
1. EOL - Helping with Comfort & Care
1. EOLC - Indian Perspective 2013
1. Quality of Death Index 2020
1. Quality_Standards_for_End_of_Life_Care_in_Hospitals
2.1 Physiological changes at EOL
2.2 Hospice & Palliative Care
2.3 EOLC & Dementia 1
2.3 EOLC & Dementia 2
2.4 Chronic Pain Management 1
2.4 Chronic Pain Management 2
2.4 Chronic Pain Management 3
2.5 EOLC Paediatrics 1
2.5 EOLC Paediatrics 2
2.6 Comminucation with Patient & Family 1
2.6 Comminucation with Patient & Family 2
2.7 Patient Centered Care 1
2.7 Patient Centered Care 2
2.7 Patient Centered Care 3
2.8 Advance Care Planning & Living Will 1
2.8 Advance Care Planning & Living Will 2
2. ABC_of_Palliative_Care_2nd_ed BMJ
2. AIIMS-EOLC-Policy-2020
2. Causes & consequences of disproportionate care in Intensive Care Medicine
2. Communication - A Review & Synthesis on Best Practices
2. Early palliative care in cancer improves outcomes NEJM 2010
2. Factors associated with family satisfaction in EOLC
2. Referral to Palliative care
3.1 Ethical Basis of EOLC
3.2 Legal Perspectives in EOLC 1
3.2 Legal Perspectives in EOLC 2
3.3 NDPS Act
3.4 Foregoing Life Support & DNAR 1
3.4 Foregoing Life Support & DNAR 2
3.4 Foregoing Life Support & DNAR 3
3. Do not hospitalize orders - Healthcare Proxies' Perspectice
3. End_of_Life_Care_Policy Position Statement ISCCM + IAPM
3. Ethical climateS and PEC DISPROPICUS
3. FICCI Improving End of ife Care & Decision Making
3. How to respond to family demands for futile life support
3. ICMR DNAR Consensus Guidelines
3. NDPS Statutes in India
3. Shared Decision Making at EOLC in ICUs
3. Withdrawing - Withholding Life Support DWH Vincent commentary
4. Nursing-Care-at-the-End-of-Life
4. THOTA Act 1994
4.1 Planning EOLC Services 1
4.1 Planning EOLC Services 2
4.1 Planning EOLC Services 3
4.2 EOLC Accreditation Requirements
4.3 Nursing Care in EOLC
4.4 Organ Donation & Recovery
4.5 End of Life Care India Taskforce

How to Use

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